The Simple Woman’s Daybook: December 26, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY December 26, 2011

Outside my window… dark. I’m in San Jose with my parents and it stayed cold today.

I am thankful… that Daniel was angel for church yesterday and that last week’s crankiness did not repeat. It was the longest time I’ve gotten to be in the actual church service since February.

In the kitchen… leftover roast beast and mushroom risotto from Christmas dinner. Jon gets leftover pizza. šŸ™‚

I am wearing… my blue Jameson fleece (from the distillery in Dublin), sea green shirt, jeans, and mismatched cat socks.

I am creating… this entry.

I am going… for walks and playground time tomorrow.

I am wondering… if the most recent Golden Bough CD is indeed blank or if it will play in the car. If it’s blank, I’ll just email them and see if I can get a download card.

I am reading… The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Still haven’t finished it. I did finish Three Day Town by Margaret Maron and it was quite good.

I am hoping… Daniel is in good form tonight.

I am looking forward to… more playground time with Daniel tomorrow.

I am hearing… “Christmas in Celtic Land” by Golden Bough. I’m a bit perturbed that “When Winter Comes” seems to be reading as blank on my laptop.

Around the house… not home though we did clean before we left.

One of my favorite things… mushroom risotto that we have for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

A few plans for the rest of the week… hang-out time with Daniel, maybe a Target run, possibly OT on Thursday, and maybe a trip to the Train Museum in Sacramento.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing… Daniel at Miwok Park in Elk Grove. His physical therapist was playing paparazzi and got a number of good pictures. This is one of them.

Daniel looking around a corner at Miwok Park.

Hosted by The Simple Woman’s Daybook

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