TGIAF! It has been “a week” for sure.
I’m working on 12 devotions for a book being put together by a family friend. I seem to be getting the weird passages from Acts that bridge the well-known stories. When I finally looked at them on Tuesday night, my first thought was “how the heck am I supposed to come up with stuff on these?!?!?” Somehow around 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning, I came up with three of them. My mother-in-law (who is editing them) loved them. Today, I have finished at least four more. Maybe I’m not completely inept at this?
I did “A Day in my Life” over at Catholic and Crunchy. The day I profiled was last Thursday. Go take a look at it. Do it now.
We continue to plod along in getting Daniel transitioned over to the school district. We met with speech therapy last Friday and the meeting with the school psychologist was Wednesday. Daniel was uncooperative for the school psychologist so he is going to use the parental questionnaire forms he gave me. I probably should be filling them out but I’m kind of burned out on filling out forms and such at the moment. (I’ll probably do it during Daniel’s neuro appointment on Friday.) I’m thankful that he was understanding about Daniel’s lack of cooperation. Apparently, this is not unusual with autistic kids as well as two year olds.
Apparently, Brachel is on Amazing Race in this iteration. For those who are not fans of Big Brother, “Brachel” is Brendon and Rachel from seasons 12 and 13 who had a “showmance” and are now engaged. Rachel, the evil redheaded she-devil, won Big Brother 13. She is a major drama queen and I kept hoping she’d be voted off like she was in season 12. Unfortunately, I never got my wish. I’m not an Amazing Race fan anyway but having her and Brendon on is yet another reason for me to skip it and watch NUMB3RS in syndication.
Writing for Lent has been good for me. I know I discussed this last week but it has helped me work through some of the things I’ve seen on TV and in the media. It is also reacquainting me with Sojourners Magazine, a publication that I hadn’t read in years. Finding hymns to post YouTube videos has been fun and finding the hymns to use on Sunday has reacquainted me with our prayer books. I don’t know how this will play out when Easter comes around but it might get me posting more frequently and not just using memes like this and The Simple Woman’s Daybook.
I am currently reading Fearless by Max Lucado. I read Traveling Light four years ago and it was what I needed at the time. Fearless deals with the sources of our fears and how we can work to overcome them. I love Max Lucado because he has a writing style that is accessible and he is not a “pop culture” pastor like Rick Warren or Joel Osteen. (There are no words sufficient to convey how much I despise The Purpose-Driven Life and Joel Osteen preaches “the prosperity Gospel”.) I’m not actively facing major fear but I feel like it will probably really help me out at a later time to be reading this right now.
I know that 40 Days for Life is going on right now and sponsoring me in the Promise Walk is another way to say “yes” to life. Around 20% of the walkers and those sharing stories on the Preeclampsia Foundation website lost their babies because the c-section performed to save their lives meant that their babies were born too early. It can strike as early as 16 weeks and many women encounter it between 24-30 weeks. While they can usually save babies born after 24 weeks, many of these kids have severe developmental problems and are at risk for a number of problems like holes in their hearts, reactive airway issues, feeding issues, and more. Help mothers like me keep our babies inside longer — sponsor me.
For more Quick Takes, visit Jen at ConversionDiary.Com.
That’s awesome about the devotionals! You’ll have to let us all know when it’s available :).
#1 Of course you’re not completely inept… sometimes it just takes time.
That’s so awesome you’re doing a walk for life! I also might look into that book you’re reading.. need to broaden my literature horizons.
I LOVED Max Lucado’s “Traveling Light.” I’ll have to look in to “Fearless.” I’ll go read your guest post as soon as I have a minute or two to do so!
Good luck with everything with Daniel. Prayers being sent your way.
I really enjoyed your day in the life. It helps me realize that there are people out there who have similar crazy/normal days.N I also recently read a Joel Olsteen book and almost gagged. I forced myself to finish it, just to see if he would actually SAY anything. Nope.