Today is the last day of the challenge to write 7 posts in 7 days. I decided to only do the Five Favorites meme at Moxie Wife as one of the entries and do a couple other small link-ups, which has meant that I’ve had to write two posts on Thursdays and Sundays to keep the 7 Quick Takes and The Simple Woman’s Daybook separate.
It had been probably 30 years since I had a shamrock shake from McDonalds and my Twitter has been full of people talking about having one. Given that I am an adult and can consent to purchase and consume one, I thought “why not?” and headed over to my local McDonalds to try one.
My take: a waste of $3.
Seriously, I’m a huge fan of any thing mint-flavored so I thought I’d like this. The thing tasted like toothpaste and for the caloric load, I could have consumed 3/4 of a container of Talenti Mediterranean Mint gelato. I’m also a bit afraid to go online and look at the ingredient list after seeing a sign about this.
My two cents.
Ha! Shamrock shakes are one of my guilty pleasures 🙂 – I love them. I don’t care what is in them (I only eat 1 or 2 a year) and I look forwards to them all year ’round. However, they are the only milkshake I ever get from McDonald’s – I much prefer Chick-Fil-A milkshakes in general.