My parents “took delivery” on the two kittens around Easter and they finally (!!!!!!) sent me back some pictures.
The young princes napping on the afghan I made Mom for Mother’s Day. Homer is the gray cat and Jethro is the tiger.
The young princes stalking a Lunardi’s bag.
Ohhhhh how sweet they are!!!
awww, Homer resembles my Smokerhead.
Seeing pictures of kittens makes me want kittens. We have 4 cats already, we don’t need any more, but I want a cuddly kitten. Not that Dean would let me get another one, as much as he loves cats . . .
Homer is apparently a sweetie. Jethro is a little warrior.
I WANT I WANT I WANT. Except for the shedding, and the dander, an the litter boxes, that is…