FOR TODAY April 6, 2015
Outside my window… dark. It cooled down today and was actually long-sleeves weather when I was at the park with Daniel. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow and I’m getting positively giddy.
I am thinking… about the phone calls I have to make tomorrow to the IRS (I want my tax refund) and to insurance companies/Medi-Cal.
I am thankful… for a wonderful Palm Sunday with my church in San Jose and a wonderful Triduum with my church in southern California. Easter morning was wonderful as well with music at both services and a professional tenor singing with the choir. (We were supposed to have a couple other pros but they got sick.) I’m so incredibly grateful to be part of a church where I’m excited about going on Sunday morning instead of feeling like I want to be anywhere else but there.
In the kitchen… lots and lots of leftovers. We’re eating well this week!
I am wearing… one of my Run for the Little Flowers shirts and black capri sweats.
I am praying for… a call for Jon, comfort and solace for Dayna, and many other things.
I am going… for a walk tomorrow morning.
I am wondering… about a couple things related to the Divine Mercy novena that a few friends are doing. They sound a little weird so I’ll be consulting the hive mind on this.
I am reading… Fudge Brownie Murder by Joanne Fluke. I finished Six Geese A-Slaying and a couple others by Donna Andrews in the last few weeks as well.
I am hoping… to get everything done this week that needs doing.
I am looking forward to… my Wednesday time to myself.
I am hearing… Jon’s CPAP machine as I’m lying in bed doing this.
Crocheting… a baby gift for a friend and also Daniel’s big boy blankie.
Around the house… silence as I am the only one awake.
A favorite quote for today… “Solid-rock faith allows me to believe that despite the chaos of the present moment, God does reign. Regardless of how worthless I may feel, I truly matter to a God of love. No pain lasts forever, and no evil triumphs in the end.” — today’s devotion in Our Daily Bread.
One of my favorite things… Coke — I can have it again now that Lent is over! (I did falter and have some during Lent, a couple of those times on purpose because I needed the caffeine and sugar while I was driving and/or chasing Daniel.)
A few plans for the rest of the week: phone calls tomorrow, meeting with Daniel’s teacher on Wednesday, and other things as they come up.
A peek into my day… I seriously love being part of a church where worship selfies are an expected part of Easter worship. I’m the short chick with glasses and the hymnal.
Post Script…
It has been an interesting time with the Lutherans, especially in churcbes where they only sing songs they know or try to attract young people by doing “contemporary” music. (Not helping, y’all.) I love this hymn which I learned during my first Easter with the Episcopalians about 20 years ago and it brings me happy memories.
Hosted by The Simple Woman.
Hello Jen,
Thank you for taking part in the daybook! An awesome group selfie 🙂
Have you read others in that series by Joanna Fluke? I read the first one (Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder) recently and was disappointed. I wanted to love it more than I did. Maybe they get better? I love the similar series by Jen McKinlay (cupcake bakery murder mysteries). Have you read any of those?
I have. I liked them when I started reading them 7 years ago but there are some that are better than others. I’m not incredibly enamored with Jenn McKinlay but I’ve read all of them.