Duuuuuuude… The website for the local community college isn’t incredibly user-friendly so I didn’t know that I could have just walked in, filled out a non-degree seeking student application for classes, and been on my way. Instead, I did the community college application and found out that it would possibly take two weeks for them to review it. Then, I got an email from the college telling me that they got my application and it could take up to five days to review… and was notified 24 hours later that I was accepted.
I then had to jump through the enrollment hoops and had to go down in person and talk them into taking the block off my account so I could enroll in classes. (The block was on my account until I did the new student orientation stuff.) They made an exception for me this quarter but if I continue taking classes, I have to do the group advising session.
So… I start Monday.
My classes. I’m taking a class on Excel/Access and one on practical accounting. Both are areas where I know how to do some of it already but it’s been years since I’ve done things with it. I’m really hoping that a lot of it will come back to me pretty quickly. One of them is online so I’ll only be on campus 3 days a week and the campus isn’t far away.
My study/writing space. As I will be having to study and do homework while Daniel is in school and after he goes to bed, I have been making a nice spot for myself. I have my desk cleaned off, my pens/pencils sorted, a desk lamp, a cat bed, and a nice grey cat to occupy said cat bed. (Homer has volunteered to be my stress ball. He is so helpful. 🙂 )
I’m doing it and so should you. Even with taking the two classes, I’ll still be participating in Write 31 Days next month. Having to structure my schedule will be a good thing and I might be more efficient at writing daily if I have to plan around various things.
Useful infographic. Upworthy posted this infographic on Andrew Wakefield and the damage his falsified study has wrought. Feel free to share it and a tinfoil hat with your favorite anti-vaxxer.
I need this. Do you tap your fingers while waiting or do similar movements? Someone started a Kickstarter for a fidget toy with 6 different surfaces. They were hoping to raise $15,000 and have raised $4.3 million. I’m hoping the gross excess of funds means they can get it on the market faster!
Football funny. The calling of the run of the streaker at the game between the 49’ers and the LA Lambs was probably the best football thing I’ve seen all year. I think he also got more yardage than the Lambs did.
For more Quick Takes, visit Kelly at This Ain’t The Lyceum.