About Me and This Site

My name is Jen and I am a 43 year old blogger living in northern Washington. I have a 14 year old son named Daniel who is the light of my life. I am also the willing servant of a house panther named Minion.

When I’m not chasing Daniel, I enjoy reading anything I can find, listening to a variety of music, singing great classical and sacred works, exploring the area in which I live, finding decent iced vanilla lattés, taebo, traveling, crocheting, spending time with my family, cooking, Postcrossing, and general web geekery.

This site uses WordPress and the theme (layout) is Twenty Eleven. The name of the blog comes from Luther’s second step in studying Scripture. (The three steps are “oratio”, “meditatio”, and “tentatio”.) The header pic is a view of the Skagit Valley taken from my uncle’s deck.