Catching Up: December 9, 2022 Edition

Where do I begin…

[+] The depression fairy. I’ve been dealing with depression since menopause hit, and I’m at the point where pushing through is getting harder. I really want to just curl up in bed with the covers over my head, but there is so much that nobody is going to do if I don’t do it. Single motherhood, even living with family, is hard.

[+] Imposter Syndrome. I’m not going to lie. I suffer from this quite often. I graduated with TWO degrees and almost a 4.0 GPA in my late 30’s, and I still have a hard time believing that I’m good enough to be hired in my field. I need to start thinking about interviewing in six months, and I’m having to psych myself up to do it.

[+] End of the quarter. Finals are done, and I am exhausted. There are some boundary conversations I need to have with a student, and those are being left for next week.