7 Quick Takes: Lazy Summer Night Edition

7 Quick Takes

— 1 —

Memories. All of the memories and pictures of me putting my bedroom furniture together are coming up in my “On This Day” feature on Facebook. When I shared one of the pictures, I commented that my mom had to hide the flame thrower for a couple days because IKEA does not drill holes correctly and I managed to hammer a nail into my fingers… TWICE. (This was about the time my mom created a list of errands for me to do BY MYSELF because I think she was afraid of the words I might teach Daniel. (Little does she know that Daniel has heard ALL of those words before while driving with me in Sacramento traffic.)

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Molly Bears. Someone on one of my favorite subreddits talked about Molly Bears and how they’ve helped her heal. Could y’all please go check them out and maybe make a donation? Thanks.

— 3 —

Nice kitty… Because the world needs more cat stories and cat memes.

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We all scream for ice cream! I really want to try this ice cream recipe. It seems pretty simple and something I could do with the kid.

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Mystery recommendation. Someone recommended this author to me and I’m passing it on in case any of you are mystery lovers.

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Prerequisite faith link. Just so you know, I don’t want a celebration of life when I die. Instead, I want a burial service.

— 7 —

Summer “schedules”. Kelly has some help for you. She’s cool that way.

For more Quick Takes, visit Kelly at This Ain’t The Lyceum.