A bootylicious bone broth recipe. Because I completely spaced on it being Thursday and had nothing better to do tonight before this than download accounting software or talk on the phone to boys, my Quick Takes are late and I saw what Kelly posted beforehand… which means I can *TOTALLY* share her recipe for bone broth. Apparently, it’s guaranteed to make my loser liver into one that’s bootylicious. Score!
Oh… a memo to my liver: remember our deal! I don’t drink alcohol and you don’t crap out on me before I turn 40. You better not die before May 19, 2020! I don’t want to have to depend on the Evil Twin to keep his liver pristine enough to give a piece!!!
Back to school again. In case you missed my *AWESOME* daybook post this week with a fabulous photo of me with freshly-washed hair, I started school again on Monday and I’m all online this quarter. I’m taking a class on electronic communication (basically Outlook/Skype/business apps), a class on Sage’s accounting software, an online PE class, and a church finance class through CDSP.
Wait, Jen. Online PE??? Yep… online PE. I have a book to read, a discussion board post weekly, and a report to send to my instructor weekly of my exercise logged (30 minutes of something physical x 5 days/week). In theory, I could lie through my teeth about getting all that exercise but I would end up screwing myself over because my aim this quarter is to incorporate some movement into my day.
Geeky linguistic fun. Here’s a map of the most common surnames in Europe by country. Why is it geeky linguistic fun? Well, the blogger follows it with an explanation of what each name means and mentions that in Iceland, there is still a patronomic system in place. Duuuuude…
Prerequisite baseball take. My Giants are unfortunately at the bottom of the National League. 🙁 (Can we say bad trade decisions?) Even worse news: the Dodgers clinched a playoff spot. At least the Cubs are in and if I have to root for the American league, I can root for Boston.
The match-up that would guarantee me boycotting the Word Series: Dodgers vs. Indians. Because Cleveland teams are horrible (other examples: the loser Cavs and the Browns who are consistently at the bottom of the NFL *EVERY* year) and the Dodgers are the archnemesis of my Giants.
Music take #1. This is one of my favorite hymns and I love the setting by Michael Card.
Music take #2. I’ve loved this song since seminary and I used to sing it to Daniel as a lullaby.
For more Quick Takes, visit Kelly at This Ain’t The Lyceum.