Word of the Year. I did Jen Fulwiler’s Word of the Year Generator and got “dazzle”. I’m a pretty plain person, so this should be interesting.
Saint of the Year. I did Jen Fulwiler’s Saint’s Name Generator and got St. Clotilde, who is the patron saint of adopted children, brides, disappointing children, exiles, parenthood, parents of large families, queens and widows.
I first encountered Clotilde in my Medieval Europe class in college, and the history nerd in me is happy that I got her.
Christmas. My brother and his family were up here for Christmas, so that was fun. His son Braden is cute, and they introduced us to the “Into the Spider-Verse” movie.
Mental health. I had a breakdown by myself for 5 hours on Christmas morning. I had somehow missed my meds on Christmas Eve, so that didn’t help, but I somehow hit a grief well of grief for Grandpa. I was trying to finish Mom’s socks, and it was taken a bit longer due to not being able to read the pattern because I was crying so hard. I was trying to get back to sleep when Daniel kicked off around 5, and I had to keep him silent while people slept. I had taken some Ativan, but that was doing nothing for me. It was a brutal night.
Things hit me again a few days later, and it thankfully gave me something to talk about with my therapist. We’re working through it, but there’s a lot to unpack.
New Year’s Eve. I celebrated New Year’s Eve in my jammies putting my new bullet journal together. I went against my own rules at midnight and had an inch of Prosecco, which was underwhelming. (One of the reasons I don’t drink is that I really don’t like wine or beer.) I then went on the Best Buy website and browsed for a new laptop.
Laptop is here!!!! I ordered the laptop yesterday and opted to pay the extra $6 to get it today. Well, I was downstairs last night putting Daniel’s pills in the china cabinet, and the delivery truck was in the driveway. Mom got a picture of me petting it.
I’ll be setting it up today.
New Year’s resolutions. I’ve decided to just redo my 2020 intentions. I’ll let you know how it all goes.
For more Quick Takes, go visit our host Elena of My Domestic Church.
The holidays can be rough emotionally, let alone the long dark days making things hard. I hope things get easier.
I got St Rita ( patron of widows among other things. I have a dear widowed friend who has gone through a hellish 2 yrs, so I now know who to call on for intentions.) And my word was “stay” which isn’t very helpful as that’s all I’ve done for 2 yrs now.
The academic semester starts soon so hopefully my mood improves! Good luck with your new term. I have only one class and we start for 2 weeks virtually. Not what I want. I am really not good at this stuff. However my colleagues need me so I’ll try one more semester.
I too got a new laptop, but under protest. I have some issues related to teaching and technology that burn like coals in my soul. I should release the resentment but not there yet!