#5Faves: Miscellanea (XLIV)



Rend Collective. I am seriously in love with this band. Their music is stuck in my mind and right now, it’s actually keeping me going.


Margaret Maron. My mother-in-law was #1 on the library list for her latest book and she gave it to me to read when she finished it. Of all the murder mystery authors I read, she is in the top 3 favorites if not my favorite because I can actually get lost in her books without realizing it.


Air1. Listening to music keeps me sane while driving and Air1 is the local nationally-broadcasted Christian station that I can get down here. (I could actually get it and KLOVE equally well when we lived up north and would switch off when a song came up that I didn’t like.)


Trader Joe’s. The people at my Trader Joe’s are just fabulous and they love Daniel. (Then again, who doesn’t love Daniel that has met him?) I’ll be having some of their chili when I get home.


Iced vanilla lattés made with whole milk. I fully believe that the existence of these is proof that God wants me to be happy. 😉

Go love up Jenna and the others.